Week-long and weekend Day School and University Retreats have grown exponentially at Capital Retreat Center in 2018. From 6th-12th Grade classes, as well as colleges from New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC, students and faculty are recognizing the importance of spending time together away from the formal school environment. As we’ve been fortunate to witness first-hand, the potential for meaningful discussions, dialogue and development is endless.
You’ll personally witness your students connecting on each other’s level. Even “outsiders” come together and feel comfortable discussing sensitive issues, beginning to break down their differences and communication barriers. Introduce your students to new songs around a campfire – and enjoy s’mores and storytelling under the stars.
We guarantee flexibility, a positive attitude, and outstanding customer service, as we work with your faculty, administration and students. Every part of the process will be enjoyable and an experience to remember. Let us plan your ultimate school trip today.

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